
CHRISTIAN TEACHERS COOPERATIVE SOCIETY, KISHI is a body of like-minded individuals who perceived the magnificent benefits of collaboration to achieve common goals.

The idea of founding a cooperative society came in 2005 when some members of the Christian Teachers Association (CTA), Kisi chapter perceived the agonies of the Christian teachers in competing with their counterparts particularly, when there were tense disparities and discriminations. The idea was launched only as a little beginning but began to expand when many other members shared from the vision of the founding members.

By and by, the society has had astounding achievements as a result of undaunted efforts of the executives and the faithfulness of the members.

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A tree cannot make a forest: the essence of being together is to establish an accommodating atmosphere for our social life. The Christian Teachers Cooperative Society (CTCS) Kishi prioritizes expanding social well-being of her members through vibrant economic plans which capture pre and post retirement livelihood. Presently, the society has four good economic plans for our members: Long-term loan, short-term loan, Retirement Reservation Scheme and Special Savings with only 5% interest on our loans. We hope to positively and productively touch the lives of our members with our life-touching plans. In this trend I enjoin our members to be faithful to their monthly thrift savings and loan refunds. GOD BLESS OUR COOPERATIVE SOCIETY.

Com. Eyinade Michael Adeteju

From the Secretary

The world of today is fast trending towards digitalization. The Christian Teachers Cooperative Society, Kishi is not left behind: we take the lead in digitalizing our systems by this innovation. This move is basically to improve accessibility of the members to their financial information easily and cheaply however, there is restriction to this privilege as individuals will have to login with their Personal Ledger Number (PLN) and their self generated password: this will simply restrict unauthorized access to third party information. This platform also made provision for interactions through feedback and News menu. The members can easily community the admin with any of their reactions: complains, questions, advices etc. while the Admin can equally publish memo, update, news etc on the News menu. The CTCS Kishi is the game changer and we are at a wide distance ahead of our contemporaries. God bless CTCS, Kishi.

Com. Ogundijo Elisha Adetunji

From the Financial Secretary

"Don't wear yourself out trying to get rich ..." Proverbs 23:4 (MSG). This is a candid advice to those who look up for building riches. Becoming rich is very simple but yet uneasy. The simplicity of becoming rich is in knowing the secret of becoming rich while its uneasiness lies in the reluctance to make all necessary sacrifices to build riches.
The knowledge of becoming rich is a rich in itself. Napoleon Hill in his book "You can work your own miracle" highlights twelve riches among which the strongest and fundamental one is POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE - if you can think it you can achieve it.
Collaboration to lift up a task is the secret of common achievements. This had being the practice of our ancestors from the days immemorial: they collaboratively built houses, established markets, launched businesses and so on. The same spirit of collaboration drives the operations in cooperative societies. Individual members contribute the little they can to make a well of wealth from which they draw the multiples of their contributions.
The Christian Teachers Cooperative Society (CTCS), Kishi is not exempted from this principle: we satisfy the needs of our subscribers by 200% over the worth of their thrift contributions and with this we see our members glowing in riches (achieving their heart desires with absolutely stress free.
I therefore urge our potential subscribers who currently are behind the circle to "cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days ... in the place where the tree falleth, there it shall be (but) he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap." (Ecclesiastes 11: 1-4 KJV).

Com. Adelakun Philips Adetayo
Financial Secretary